Friday, January 25, 2013

26 January 13

Happy Anniversary kesayangan saya! 
Hooyeh Hoooyeh! Dah dua bulan dah kami.
 *Hek eleh baru 2 bulan nak kecoh! 
Sure ada orang dengki nak cakap camtu kan? Haha, yela bercinta 2 bulan, berkawan nak 4 tahun dah. So sama je la.Bercinta lama2 tak elok, elok kawen je terus.

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. 
Kami tempuhi 2 bulan tanpa sebarang complication, hari hari sweet je, so far so good. Harap semua berjalan lancar sampai kawin nanti ye?.. and ofcourse sampai lepas kawin dan bila2.

Kepada awak, 
Saya sayang awak, I love you. 
Thanks for be with me, terima saya yang tak seberapa nie
*blur *makan mcm zombie *sleepyhead *blur *blur *takseowesomelisasurihani 


P/S: Oh ye, ada yang SENTAP pegi remove FRIEND REQUEST kat FB cintahati saya! Wow?
Sentap ye makjemah? Bahahahaha! 
Gila la tak popesional lah anda!


Buhbye,Time to bake more cakes yaw!

Gossip Girl... sgt!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Argh, spend my whole 4 straight days at home really made me insane! Owgosh! Lemme outta hereee!
See.. This is how my days: 
Day 01: Home.Home.Home. Sit stay and eat
Day 02: Go out for some bakery groceries. To Pastry Pro!
Day 03: Saturday with familia. Spend with Faizal who dropped by for an album. And Kak Zahra for lunch.
Day 04: Well Its Today. Spend with TV (as per REIN said, unusual activity) and watch JJM and be hungry!

And tomorrow will be my Langkawi day with Love and Sayang! My plan will be, woke up 6am, heading to Shah Alam and send this cookies to MSU. Straight to Taman Melati pick up Rein the explorer, and stop by Masjid Jamek since I need to do my treading :) Gosh, its getting reaaaaally bushy. Hahaha!

Err.. Emm.. Anything else?


OK well. Can't wait for Langkawi! Buhbyeee!

P/S: Should I pack my bag now? its 2pm.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Parents and blessing

Kahwin. Memang something yang best, indah semua orang pun nak. Hee.. Aku? Ofcourse lah nak! haha. Basically someone dah ajak kahwin dah nie. Itu yang post pasal kawin nie. Coundown zaman bujang aku, 11 months. Gulp!

Bukan nak akhirkan zaman bujang yang aku takutkan. Bukan bakal suami yang aku takutkan. I met with the right person, Insyallah. Tapi sekarang, macam mana nak bagi tau parents aku. Diorang dah la maha-complicated yang teramat sangat.

With my first name with me, with title yang aku pegang, with all the so - called royal blood semua nie buat semua benda jadi sangat COMPLICATED.

Mom, Dad, its just a name.
Please let me be with someone I know, someone I met, someone I love.

Please restukan anakanda nie nak kahwin  :)

Lepask nie aku kena fight fight and fight for what I want in my life. Tengok contoh kakzarah dgn kak adrin, somehow diorang berjaya jugak hidup happily ever after dengan pasangan masing masing kan? Walaupun susah, as long as both of them stick together, kalau Allah dah tentukan jodoh diorang.. mmg tetap jodoh jugak.


Do pray for us.
Terima Kasih.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I miss my old gang!

Kenapa eh, tak semua kawan boleh kekal. Yang dulunya rapat, satu geng ke, yg dulunya rajin contact ke, sekarang senyap terus. Sentap jugak. Bila baca balik masej2 lama macam down jea, I wish things will remain the same.
We used to go out almost every week, dinner sekali, layan movie sekali. Now? Sejak tatau bila, hilang camtu je. Reramai layan movie, jelajah pavi berkali2. How I wish we could do that. Kenapa? I was wondering, tiap kali bukak balik previous msg dalam FB rasa sayu gila. Sentap. Sedih. Mana pegi korang semua?

Bila bukak balik gambar lama, boleh nangis tahu tak?

Nak taip nama sorang satu karang, terlalu kontroversi. Please do come back..
Ambil mana yg jernih, buang yang keruh. Kita hidup bukan forever.

*ttibe teremo kat ghumah orang ni.



Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bread Butter Pudding 2nd trial

Yay! kali nie buat bread butter pudding second trial. Yang lepas okey dah just kurang manis + kurang kaw sangat. So kali ni, saje nak try tukar roti and tambah something sikit. Wink Wink. 
Thanks to boyfie tolong ajarkan :)

Oh yeah, do check our page kat facebook:üsse

Buhbye. Time to ratah my sweet touch. Yummmy...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Happy New Year! New Year, New Me, New Hope, New Mission, New Resolution. Insyallah.

Tahun baru nie nak buat something new, something awesome! Teehee.. 
I will resign from my current job "Executive Business Development". Hurm, sangat susah decision tu but after all this is my decison. Gaji yang Wow tu akan ku tolak tepi. Nak buat camne, passion takde. 2 tahun kerja yang sama, dikerah bagai nak gila, stress sampai nak meraung. Uish, tak sanggup nak tempuh lagi. 
So I made my decision, with some baking skills, some knowledge and full of passion I will re-start my dessert business. But to start small, aku nak send out flyers to kawasan2 sini dulu. Buat FB page and distribute. Start will some products first. Tengok market. 
Last time pernah buat camni, sambutan alhamdulillah, but stop half way sbb Matta Fair and travel deadlines semua, so takleh continue dah. 

Now, I quit from what I'm doing rite now and start apa yang aku sangat sangat minat. Oh ye, I'm planning to open a restaurant soon. Its under process. With my share partners yang awesome and tersayang. But benda tu kena modal yang tinggi, so process tu agak complicated. At the same time sambil usahakan yang itu, aku buat yang ini dulu. Kill two birds with one stone. 

Thats my career. 

About my future, Hurm. someone asking me to marry him :) Insyaallah, kita kumpul duit and I need to fight for it, after all done we will be together. Kalau ada jodoh kita, tak kemana kan? Doakan kami ye :) 

Thanks to abang and adik yang bagi positive feedback and thanks for aunties yang mungkin akan support apa yang patut. I need them for this.