Happy New Year! New Year, New Me, New Hope, New Mission, New Resolution. Insyallah.
Tahun baru nie nak buat something new, something awesome! Teehee..
I will resign from my current job "Executive Business Development". Hurm, sangat susah decision tu but after all this is my decison. Gaji yang Wow tu akan ku tolak tepi. Nak buat camne, passion takde. 2 tahun kerja yang sama, dikerah bagai nak gila, stress sampai nak meraung. Uish, tak sanggup nak tempuh lagi.
So I made my decision, with some baking skills, some knowledge and full of passion I will re-start my dessert business. But to start small, aku nak send out flyers to kawasan2 sini dulu. Buat FB page and distribute. Start will some products first. Tengok market.
Last time pernah buat camni, sambutan alhamdulillah, but stop half way sbb Matta Fair and travel deadlines semua, so takleh continue dah.
Now, I quit from what I'm doing rite now and start apa yang aku sangat sangat minat. Oh ye, I'm planning to open a restaurant soon. Its under process. With my share partners yang awesome and tersayang. But benda tu kena modal yang tinggi, so process tu agak complicated. At the same time sambil usahakan yang itu, aku buat yang ini dulu. Kill two birds with one stone.
Thats my career.
About my future, Hurm. someone asking me to marry him :) Insyaallah, kita kumpul duit and I need to fight for it, after all done we will be together. Kalau ada jodoh kita, tak kemana kan? Doakan kami ye :)
Thanks to abang and adik yang bagi positive feedback and thanks for aunties yang mungkin akan support apa yang patut. I need them for this.
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