Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hello! Entah ade yg baca entah tidak. Ahaks.. lantak ler. Ehem..according to post yang lepas, aku buat 1 procedure nie,cardiar catherization. So. aku buat last week,khamis. Perhhhh....sumpah scary beb. sakit pulak tu. Doc mcm cucuk atas peha kita,pastu dia masukkan 1 tiup nie. dia tolak tiup tu smpi kat jantung pastu bila all set,dia lepaskn satu dye nie. time tu jantung akan terasa panas gile dlm 3 saat. panas tu kite dapat rasa dia ngalir dr kaki zuuuuuuuuuuup ke jantung. Perhh... tp yg time plg sakit bila dia tgh check pressure kat jantung. kite leh rasa mcm sesak napas sket, rs jntung kena tekan2. pastu bila doc tgh tolak2 tiup tu kat dlm badan,kite rs la senak perut, senak 1 badan sbb dpt rs benda tu ditolak dn menjalar. Weeehh gile seksa wehh.. time tgh cucuk peha nak masuk tiup tu rs mcm peha kite tgh siat2 dgn pisau.. warghhhh!!
semua segalanya sakit sbb kite sedar time tu, and lagi 1 main reason sbb buat kat gov spital. klu buat kat swasta ok kot,dia bius kasi kebas so that x rasa. ni dia x kebaskan sgt.. dia just spray guna spray yg nurse guna bila nak cucuk amek darah tu je.
Argghhh... mmg nightmare!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cardiac Catheterization

Hello unknown fella! Hello all..hello world!
I'm proud to present the sick version of me...Oh yeah!
Gees..i'll go thru Cardiac Catheterization next week. Err.. Cardiac Catheterization is..emm..in a simple way is a procedure they will put colours in your lung/heart etc etc to check your blood flow in your heart. the colour will flow with blood and easier to be seen. Procedure sounds simple, but it will be some kind of night mare for me..
Google harder it and check it out. its sound damn painful!
Em,let me tell ya.. the story begin like this..
Past few months, me my brother and my elder cousin on our road trip from Penang to Kuala Lumpur.We had this serious chit chat about health, smoke, heart attack and all. then cousin told us something quite shocking.
My i was infant, i had this serious heart surgery. Reason? she too young to understand that time. She only know that i had my heart surgery those years.
So..its keep me thinking. No wonder i can't run, i can't climb, i can't swim and sometimes felt hurt.

Last 2 weeks i have this guts to check my heart issue at HUKM..and i met my doctor who is cardiology specialist. First week he find out something wrong with right side of my heart. 2nd week i had my echo procedure and he was sure i need to have this Cardiac Catheterization thingy...

so. more stories coming out very soon...