yeah...!! after a month struggling with less sleep,less play,less dating and all, WE are done with fnb concept! well done guys.
check out with my facebook picha about bat bites thingy.
for those who dunno apa itu bat bites? let me story morry here. ish...poyo gila ayat.
ok la, for our final semester for this degree we need to come out with 1 concept restaurant that NEVER exist in Malaysia.... we choose vampire in a castle concept.... it took loooong months to finish up everything. we not even sleep properly, i get lotsa fever, some of group members got accident and lotsa things happen in doing this vampire restaurant. such a pathetic months we had. BUT...all done very well. our deco is awesome, our food is fabulous and many guest like it.
to all my beloved group members...thanks for our cooperation and hardworks. we sacrifice lots of things for this project!
Ben,Ginny,Gen,Sherry,Jeeva,Raymond,Derrick,Lionel,Candice,and Lau...Thanks..hope we get good result for this...i hopeeee.... :)
lotsa love,