OK sekarang buat lasagne pulak..sorry la xde pic, lupa nak amek ms masak td.tp sure ramai org tau kan rupanye..
sos balognese
daging/ayam cincang
bawang putih
bawang besar
parmesan cheese
tomato puree
black pepper
-ayam/daging tu gaulkan dlm mangkuk dgn bawang putih. perap kejap dlm 10m.
-masuk kan butter dlm pan (ganti kan minyak)
-masuk kan bawang besar, kacau smpi kuning
-masuk kan daging/ayam cincang td
-teruskan dgn masuk kan cheese
-lastly, tomato puree dan seasoning.
bechamel sauce
1 block butter
susu segar
onion pique
bay leaf
-ok nie agak rumit sket.. 1 block butter masuk dlm periuk,cairkan.
-bila semua dh cair, letak tepung sikit demi sedikit smpi jadi dough
-still slow fire, letak sedikit demi sedikit susu segar dlm dough td smpi dough tu jadik creamy2 pekat.
-texture dia mcm mash potato
-pastu, letak onion pique dan bay leaf.
-last letak garam.
OK...adui...sekarang nak susun lasagne dlm bekas.
amek bekas yang sesuai..
1 layer lasagne yg kat bawah skali, letak lasagne tuh yg pasta tu, cover all the area.
then letak balognaise sauce.
pastu lasagne
pastu again balognaise...
dh semua cantekk, cover lagik dgn lasagne and letak bechamel sauce tadi.. buat 2 layer of bechamel. and on top, touch up dgn mozarella cheese and parmesan cheese.
bakar dlm oven...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
fakta 2
Lelaki yang menarik pada pandangan wanita
- kemas
- kebijaksanaan emosi. lelaki yang pandai nk paham emosi pmpuan dn org sekeliling.
- gentleman means, dahulukan wanita dlm byk perkara, layan org dgn hormat
- keyakinan diri. kan ke manarik kite tgk laki yg confident...
- berjiwa romantik! OMG...i really need this.
- sifat seorang pendidik. apabila wanita berkahwin sbnrnye dia menukarkan hero dia drp ayah dia kepada suami dia.
wanita yang menarik pada pandangan lelaki
- sifat dan tingkah lakunya lembut
- childlish sikit
- manja
- ade sifat keibuan dan penyayang
tiPs jadik individu MenariK..
heyaa...saje nak share faks dr sebuah buku. buku dr dato' mohd fadzilah kamsah dgn kwn dia kot, ahmad naim jaafar..
ini dia...tips
1) faktor fizikal. takyah la nak cantik mcm model pun... cuma citarasa org pelbagai. sure ade smtg kat diri korang yg amat tertarik...sure ade punya lah!
2) faktor material. material penting bagi menjalani idop tapi bukan jadik sasaran. jgn tertipu dgn harte...ade org tuh nampak je kaya, tp xde la menarik mana...opsss...maksud nye, org xpakai branded item ni pun menarik jugak..cume kena la dgn ape yg dipakai. iye takk??sm jugak dgn org kaya...kaya je tp perangai mcm setan bek xyah...haha OK! cume ape yg nak dikatakan sini adelah...at least ade la $$$$ sikit...jgn poket kosong je...
3)toksah la nak pakai susuk laaa mcm2 bende karut gitu..
4)faktor jawatan....aik...itu faktor penting ke? tak laaa...cuma nak cakap, jadi la org yg berguna.
5)faktor luar biasa. haaa...mcm buat smtg yang org lain tgk kagum. bukan suh belagak x tentu pasal atau pakai mcm superman kat lua...cuma... buat yg extraordinary kot. mcm blaja tgi2 smpi jadik top student!
6)faktor pandai bercakap. padai susun kata2...jgn jadik cm aku..cakap pakai lepassss je.haish...
7)faktor suara.. ek! apekah ini...! fakta: lelaki suke pmpuan sore cm kanak2...dats mean,halus, lembut. pmpuan suka laki sore macho dan gentleman. I AGREE!
8) faktor pendidikan.... no need to say more...smua org tau ini PENTING.
9) xyah nak jadi seksi baru menarik....
ini dia...tips
1) faktor fizikal. takyah la nak cantik mcm model pun... cuma citarasa org pelbagai. sure ade smtg kat diri korang yg amat tertarik...sure ade punya lah!
2) faktor material. material penting bagi menjalani idop tapi bukan jadik sasaran. jgn tertipu dgn harte...ade org tuh nampak je kaya, tp xde la menarik mana...opsss...maksud nye, org xpakai branded item ni pun menarik jugak..cume kena la dgn ape yg dipakai. iye takk??sm jugak dgn org kaya...kaya je tp perangai mcm setan bek xyah...haha OK! cume ape yg nak dikatakan sini adelah...at least ade la $$$$ sikit...jgn poket kosong je...
3)toksah la nak pakai susuk laaa mcm2 bende karut gitu..
4)faktor jawatan....aik...itu faktor penting ke? tak laaa...cuma nak cakap, jadi la org yg berguna.
5)faktor luar biasa. haaa...mcm buat smtg yang org lain tgk kagum. bukan suh belagak x tentu pasal atau pakai mcm superman kat lua...cuma... buat yg extraordinary kot. mcm blaja tgi2 smpi jadik top student!
6)faktor pandai bercakap. padai susun kata2...jgn jadik cm aku..cakap pakai lepassss je.haish...
7)faktor suara.. ek! apekah ini...! fakta: lelaki suke pmpuan sore cm kanak2...dats mean,halus, lembut. pmpuan suka laki sore macho dan gentleman. I AGREE!
8) faktor pendidikan.... no need to say more...smua org tau ini PENTING.
9) xyah nak jadi seksi baru menarik....
utk Hasmida ku yang tersayang...muahahah
FINE ar...haha. kwn aku nie bernama Mieda tetibe mintak recipe la pulak..haish..tau la sedap. mlm nie, kitorang 1 family mkn roasted chicken. mcm sambut xmas la jugak cuma bukan turkey je! haha...so aku accompany dgn corslaw jela mls nak pikir. pastu end with bread butter pudding.OKEY! tp dah melayu tu melayu la jugak...adek aku yg bijak ni makan corslaw dgn nasik. ok fineee....xkisah la asal kan kenyang!
jadi...meh la aku share resipe rahsia (rahsia ke??? aku blaja dlm kelas kot..bukan rahsia dh ne)
ayam seko ke, separuh ke..up to you
then gaul kan dgn serbuk2 herbs mcm rosemary,thyme,paprika,oregano dn ape2 je english herbs yang anda berkenan di hati...
then, masuk kan black pepper sauce, A1 sauce, HP sauce, and season dgn salt n pepper.
then perap dlm 1 hour ke...then bakar dlm oven smpi siap...MAKAN!!
oh ye...lupa,letak lemon zest skali.. sikit je.
* ari tu gatal tgn aku letak garammasala skali...so dlm mcm indian-english style ayam nii...tapi SODAP!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
~ H.O.L.I.D.A.Y ~
ganti balik yang sebelum ni tidur x cukup time!
okeh... semalam exam QM.wah! susa gile, aku siap bley lukis2 lagik kat question paper sbb xtau nak tulis ape. payah payah. ape yg ditarget x masok pun. sedey la... c u again next sem, my darling QM!
so pas menjawab exam yang mcm seisi suicide tuh, aku dan rein dan boyfie dia,apot pg kareoke kat midvalley. best... sedap gilak sore mereka, segan aku. dh le sore mcm katak puru nyanyi x ikot tempo plak tuh, main bantaiiii.... xpe asal enjoy! dlm kul 12am jugak la sampai rumah, nasib abg2 setia menunggu nak bukak pintu..kalau tak ade jugak tido lua! hee...heee...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
isnin niii habes laaa
uit uit...isnin ni Final exam.economy pulak tuuu...pastu selasa Qm...gile! dh tu pulak aku pnye mood study ni datang dan pergi..bila trasa nak membaca menghafal,ha rajin la.tp bila smpi time mls tu...adui liat betol. ape la nak jadik nii.. dh la ry haji smbut mcm nak x nak je. haha...lembu korban pun tak tgk tahon ni, tdooo je.
yg family pulak, semua g singapore. tgl aku dgn maid pemalas niiih.haha...serious.dia pemalas gile! bgn kul10, aku awal lagik kul8. tdo pun kul 10, aku kul2am...pastu aku suh potong daging dia kata nanti,last2 aku lapo...sku potong sendiri. betuah!
pastu...aaahhh mcm2 laaa... byk hal la maid muda ni.
yang aku pulak.... parah parah, my boyfie a.k.a amer balik kampung. rasa nye itu la sbbnye aku hlg segala mood ni. rindu.... ceyceycey...ngade!
haiya, ape lagi nak merapu dlm ni....xde pe dh kot,cuma nak ucap selamat ary raya!
p/s= ingatkan xde org yg baca blog ni tp rupanya angka tuh keep on increasing jugak rupanya...
yg family pulak, semua g singapore. tgl aku dgn maid pemalas niiih.haha...serious.dia pemalas gile! bgn kul10, aku awal lagik kul8. tdo pun kul 10, aku kul2am...pastu aku suh potong daging dia kata nanti,last2 aku lapo...sku potong sendiri. betuah!
pastu...aaahhh mcm2 laaa... byk hal la maid muda ni.
yang aku pulak.... parah parah, my boyfie a.k.a amer balik kampung. rasa nye itu la sbbnye aku hlg segala mood ni. rindu.... ceyceycey...ngade!
haiya, ape lagi nak merapu dlm ni....xde pe dh kot,cuma nak ucap selamat ary raya!
p/s= ingatkan xde org yg baca blog ni tp rupanya angka tuh keep on increasing jugak rupanya...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
jumaat nie raya haji, sabtu pulak smua org g singapore!!
jelous betul...g jalan tgl kan org. isnin nie final xm, selasa last paper.ha-ha... tp kan ape la slhnye tgu kejap je lagi smpi final exam aku habis kan.. heeee, dengki betul! so to mummy, abah dn semua...buy me a lot of gift!! i repeat...a lot of GIFTS! okeyh!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Have you ever gone bar hopping?
Have you ever been in a fight?
ha-ha good question! baru semalam kott..
Did you win?
sometimes,depends on the person who i fight with. chait! lemah..
Is there one person in the world that you hate with a passion?
oooh gowd...a lot!
How tall are you?
according to my doc..... >160
Are you right handed or left?
right handed
Do you sleep on the right left or middle part of the bed?
when i sleep i am in the middle, but when i wake up usually...side of bed!
Whats the funniest thing you ever heard on TV?
happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy with the way they dance!
Have you ever kissed someone on a dare?
What is the dumbest thing you ever did on a dare?
last time we play this game truth or dare when i was 17years old...so hardly to remember
Where is the craziest place you ever had sex?
hahahaha...ok never!
What is your favorite liqour?
Have you ever shot a gun?
kids water gun or real gun??? :)
If you saw a snake in your room what would you do?
take it and make a new shoe?! haha nah...of course i will cry and scream and jump everywhere!
What was your first concert?
hahaha....concert rabbani...hahahahah...so uncool!
What was the last concert you went to?
hey better ask me about last movie or whatever..
Ever pay $10 for a pack of smokes?
Have you ever tried to drink your problems away?
Do you have any piercings? Where?
yes, ears
Any tattoos? Where?
no way!
Do you like pets?
omigosh..they are part of my family
Ever flip someone the bird in traffic?
Ever been flipped the bird in traffic?
Do you like pirates?
Are you the Lemon?
Is Scientology the most ridiculous religion you ever heard of?
Have you ever been in a fight?
ha-ha good question! baru semalam kott..
Did you win?
sometimes,depends on the person who i fight with. chait! lemah..
Is there one person in the world that you hate with a passion?
oooh gowd...a lot!
How tall are you?
according to my doc..... >160
Are you right handed or left?
right handed
Do you sleep on the right left or middle part of the bed?
when i sleep i am in the middle, but when i wake up usually...side of bed!
Whats the funniest thing you ever heard on TV?
happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy with the way they dance!
Have you ever kissed someone on a dare?
What is the dumbest thing you ever did on a dare?
last time we play this game truth or dare when i was 17years old...so hardly to remember
Where is the craziest place you ever had sex?
hahahaha...ok never!
What is your favorite liqour?
Have you ever shot a gun?
kids water gun or real gun??? :)
If you saw a snake in your room what would you do?
take it and make a new shoe?! haha nah...of course i will cry and scream and jump everywhere!
What was your first concert?
hahaha....concert rabbani...hahahahah...so uncool!
What was the last concert you went to?
hey better ask me about last movie or whatever..
Ever pay $10 for a pack of smokes?
Have you ever tried to drink your problems away?
Do you have any piercings? Where?
yes, ears
Any tattoos? Where?
no way!
Do you like pets?
omigosh..they are part of my family
Ever flip someone the bird in traffic?
Ever been flipped the bird in traffic?
Do you like pirates?
Are you the Lemon?
Is Scientology the most ridiculous religion you ever heard of?
gosh gosh...lupa nak bgtau cite hotz yg melanda nieyh!
actually xde la hot mana cuma aku je too emotional untill cant concentrate on my final PReSENTAtION!
this thing...semalam aku p jumpa Amer. ok...nak senangkan cerita, aku terjumpa 1 resit yg meal for two, 15November2004, and...pavillion! ok...ape yg pelik sgt dgn bende tuh??? haaa ini mau habaq!
....dlu, pada 15November bersamaan dgn tahun 2009, encik amer yg disayangi dan dikasihi ni Offday. then aku ajak dia jumpe, dia cakap...ooo cannot! kena jumpa uncle kat sg.buloh.
actually xde la hot mana cuma aku je too emotional untill cant concentrate on my final PReSENTAtION!
this thing...semalam aku p jumpa Amer. ok...nak senangkan cerita, aku terjumpa 1 resit yg meal for two, 15November2004, and...pavillion! ok...ape yg pelik sgt dgn bende tuh??? haaa ini mau habaq!
....dlu, pada 15November bersamaan dgn tahun 2009, encik amer yg disayangi dan dikasihi ni Offday. then aku ajak dia jumpe, dia cakap...ooo cannot! kena jumpa uncle kat sg.buloh.
ok...get the clue??
so, yesterday after i saw that fucking receipt, aku dh jadik hulk! Plus, dia kalut dgn resit yg aku jumpe, dia mati2an cover line, sorok resit bagai. kitorg main rebut2 bahan bukti! (tp aku kalah akhirnye)
then then... dia bg la mcm2 point yg cakap dia g pavi dgn uncle dia n family...bla bla bla...
so the end! ok cerite tergantung sbb aku pun xtau ape aku nak buat next step!
what should i do??
~ sweet time with QM ~
so damn tired!
i just finish my last sweet darling QM assignment, also with presentation. my group is the first group presenting..grr..
i slept at 3.30am then woke up at 5.30am to prepare my presentation! i arrive at college at 7am and i'm the first one who parking inside college. kewl!
thats y i'm tired till i cant even move my legs.....
Friday, November 20, 2009
lama nyeee x update!!
lupa! aku ader blog rupanye!!!
chait! hahahaha....sengal sengal.dh lama x update blog nih byk betul bende yg nk tulis...waddahell bley ku lupa ade blog!
sekarang adalah musim pening utk exam dan assignment..QM! final exam lagik seminggu kot...Qm pulak almost siap, tp presentation ISNIN nie OK! giler tah ape aku nak cakap kat dr.ROD tuh... ape la sangat yg aku paham dlm QM, yg groupmate plak ingat aku tau sangat suh aku buat t test....muahahha....lantaks le...
then then.... mgu dpn final exam,walaupun ada 2 paper je tp smua mcm soalan bunuh diri..! Qm and econs...ok ok...bunyi economy mcm senang la kan...demand supply bla bla bla... tp senang hape, midterm pown dapat 5.4 marks aje kot! hahaha...budak pandai...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
finance oh finance
berapa hari/miggu lagi nak final..(ceh even tarikh pun tatau) hampir semua dh settle..tinggal oral french dgn presentation FnB. then final..the most risau thing is Final. gilo la neh... den tak paham pun. so... sambil2 tgu final dn tak buat pape tu kena la study, tp kan....kemalasan sering menjelma...instead of study aku g berciap n go out to somewhere (dat no one knows....haha)
then, bila balik tau pulak penat n ngantok.... g tido. itu la sepanjang ari ku. last2 blaja finance kemana. uish....tamo bazir ms lagik nie!!! blaja...blaja... finance yg penting.
eh rein, mari kita berfinance bersama2...meh...
Friday, May 22, 2009
pagi semalam..chema masuk rumah. pastu mummy nampak dia luka2, dia p la letak ubat "tradisional turun temurun" kat kaki chema...then, chema tidu. tengaharinya, chema cuba nak jalan utk makan...tapi malangnya dia tak dpt bangun. so, semua org panic, mummy suruh hantar chema g vet. kami ni dgn kalutnya hantar chema...
then smpi kat sana, dokter cakap chema kene gigit anjing (jahatnyeee...) so, dia disahkan kena tinggal wad beberapa hari. dia nak buat x-ray etc.. then esoknya (iaitu hari ni) kitorang dapat panggilan yg chema kena operate sbb tulang kaki dia lari..
so, tengaharinya kitorang pun pegi hospital sign ape yang patut... so now, just wait till chema dah ok n sihat...dia masih lagi dlm wad. ciannnn chema...
p/s- tamau g vet lagik..mahal nk mampuih!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
perodua kanCiL, keretaku
keta kancil yg aku dok pakai skrg nie,walaupun dr kecik aku naik,dn dh besaw aku drive plak..i think i love dat car a lot!
and i think dat car also love me....hee...
kereta kancil ku, hanya dia yg tahu....
- berapa sumbang dan merdunye suara drivernya
- mcm mane mulia nya hati driver dia
- berapa keping saman dh dia dh dapat sbb salah park kat Kdu
- berapa kali/mcm mana tuan dia maki orang kat jalanraya
- perangai sebenar driver dia
- luahan hati drivernya
- siapa yg tuan dia syg dan benci
- speed kereta yg tuan dia bawak bila mlm2
- ke mane tuan dia selalu merayau bila free tyme
- betapa bersepahnye kereta!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
enjoying the stress-relief moment
yeah! all is over, my financial management plus my amer plus my presentation plus my stress all gone..yah! now time to enjoy, seat back and relax (while worrying bout my final exam)
today i just did my financial presentation...wargh so far the result is not quite good but we tried our best, i hope i'll have a sufficient carry mark to help me in final. aduh...
(financial n calculating is NOT my things lo)
and...yesterday after my financial discussion (...more) i went out to klcc to met amer.hehe... after all the 'things' happen between us, i hope i still can make our relationship going well..hope so!
and yes, i'm happy to met him dat nite, and i cant keep myself talking and laughing ( i felt like i'm the one who talk and he listening) ! so far...we still going on. lets our love surf our life!
more...our restaurant, we already have a new owner to rent it.so, next week the business is begin. this saturday, my parents decide to have something kinda a party to celebrate the new owner plus to celebrate my brother's MARA offer. and as usual..i'm in charge for the foods, this coming event we r goin to hav a barbeque. yeh...
today i just did my financial presentation...wargh so far the result is not quite good but we tried our best, i hope i'll have a sufficient carry mark to help me in final. aduh...
(financial n calculating is NOT my things lo)
and...yesterday after my financial discussion (...more) i went out to klcc to met amer.hehe... after all the 'things' happen between us, i hope i still can make our relationship going well..hope so!
and yes, i'm happy to met him dat nite, and i cant keep myself talking and laughing ( i felt like i'm the one who talk and he listening) ! so far...we still going on. lets our love surf our life!
more...our restaurant, we already have a new owner to rent it.so, next week the business is begin. this saturday, my parents decide to have something kinda a party to celebrate the new owner plus to celebrate my brother's MARA offer. and as usual..i'm in charge for the foods, this coming event we r goin to hav a barbeque. yeh...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I’m lonely without you! But I’m afraid you’ll do the same mistake, and history will repeat. That is always happen to us rite?! Yesterday you beg to me to accept you back, but today u disappearing. I don’t know u r really mean it, of what u said yesterday. u told me that u don’t want to do the same mistake again and u’ll do anything to make me happy.
But today.. Seems like nothing happen…
Are u sure? If you do, u suppose to not giving up persuade me to consider you back…
But today.. Seems like nothing happen…
Are u sure? If you do, u suppose to not giving up persuade me to consider you back…
Friday, May 15, 2009
Food Fest!

khamis ari tuh kitorg ada food fest kat KDU,waaa agak meriah.meh meh i cite cni.i'm the one of the deco team, kitorg 2 hari sblum tu beriya la buat smu keje decoration.
dr PJ smpi ke Shah Alam,dr Shah Alam ke Kerinchi.penat laaa..tidu pun dh tak menentu. 1day before food fest, kitorg buat booth.so far, bg aku tak la perfect mane,tp ok r sbb kitorg pun buat smua last minutes n budget pun sket je,itu pun tambah pakai duit sndiri.

hari nya tiba, kitorg diminta smpi kat KDU kul 7pg. bila smpi set up smua n kitorg start niaga! waaaa...meriah.
benda2 alah yg kitorg juaL:
- chocolate fondue
- otak otak
- nasi lemak
- cut fruits
- jellies
- ice pop
yg paling laku otak otak,sbb tu bnda yg agak pelik kan bg international student.. n 2nd laku,choc.fondue...hehe..mmg sedap pun.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Financial Management Assignment
byk gile kerja kena buat utk assgn nie.Financial Management?aduh...actually,aku lgsung tak phm subject nie.so nk buat assign pun aku pn tak tau pe yg ditaip! i'm very confuse.
tgh nak buat Ratio Analysis. tp kan...hehe..rs nye aku bukan analisis,tp describe kan ape yg ad kat gambar.aduuuuhhh...esok Due date nye!
tgh nak buat Ratio Analysis. tp kan...hehe..rs nye aku bukan analisis,tp describe kan ape yg ad kat gambar.aduuuuhhh...esok Due date nye!
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